A daily Meditation practice is the antidote to acute and chronic stress.

Science has shown us the massive benefits of meditation on the mind and body.

we get to feel and live the benefits that meditation has on our spirit.

meditation education and instruction package

3 sessions over 6 days

session 1

session 1

The first session is one hour.

We will talk about meditation: the science behind it and its benefits to mind and body. 

You will learn an ancient technique that is simple, natural and pleasant that you can practice and thrive from everyday.

Session 2

Session 2

The second session is 30 minutes and takes place two days after the first session.

We will check in on how your meditations have been and address any questions that have come up around the technique or your practice.



The third session is 30 minutes and takes place three days after the second session.

We will check in again and address all aspects of your practice so far.